View Full Version: Rear shock absorbers

Xjowners > Tech Talk > Rear shock absorbers

Title: Rear shock absorbers
Description: What are quality of these like?

Twincam.GTi - November 30, 2005 10:38 AM (GMT)
I'm thinking of replacing the shock absorbers on '81 My XJ550 as the 'Hagon' shock absorbers that I fitted 14 year ago in 1991 are now locking very rusty. In fact the Hagon ones started to have the chrome peal of the springs after just to years of winter riding so this time I decided to look at alternatives.

The ones I've looked at (remember I run to run this bike as a cheap 'Jalopy/hack/rat' :lol: ) are called SHOX and SHOKA which I think are the same firm/design.

They are available in Black, Chrome or a Combination of Black & Chrome (which is simlar to my Hagon made ones)

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All advice greatly received


CTSommers - November 30, 2005 08:48 PM (GMT)
Ok i looked up what shocks would fit on the progressive supension web site.

550 Seca 81-83 Heavy Duty 412 / 413 Series part number 412-4206C

Fork Spring : 11-1111

And found them selling in pairs for 182.95 at if you look around you will find out that this is hands down the best price around for progressive shocks and springs

(41340) $182.95 Progressive 412 Series Shocks Pair 12.5" Chrome #4124206C Mfg.#: 4124206C

(02989) $49.95 Progressive Fork Springs Pair 35/50 #111111 Mfg.#: 111111

Twincam.GTi - December 1, 2005 09:27 AM (GMT)
Thank you for that :)

CTSommers - December 2, 2005 02:39 AM (GMT)
Oh, yeah no problem. I am going to get a set of progressive shocks for the rear this winter some time after Chrismas. Already put my order in for the front springs. From what I've read this should fix the soft supension that these bikes have.

pianomangg - December 5, 2005 12:12 PM (GMT)
I just installed a few weeks ago those same black shocks on my 750. Got 'em from Old Bike Barn. Huge improvement over the original shocks (which were still on the bike <sigh>). Nice and firm... I recommend.


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