I went to take my bike (82 750 seca) out for one last ride before i redid the forks, i finally got all the parts, and wouldn't you know it, i had a dead battery. The bike was only sitting for 2 weeks and i have no idea how old the battery is. Anyway i was thinking of changing to a sealed battery type. a problem with this is there will be no place for the sensor to go. On the XJ CD, which is awesome, they say i can be bypassed by connecting to the positive terminal. Is this a safe/good thing to do? I just dont want to fry my computer. Any input/experiences?
I don't know for sure - but I'd guess by doing that you'd be grounding it - I can't see how that would hurt it but I am no electrician.
Where did it originally connect to?
The sensor goes into the third cell from the positive terminal.
"If the battery is working correctly, the electrode will sense
between 4 and 6 volts."
"[Bypassing the sensor is a simple as connecting the sensor wire to
the positive terminal on the battery.]"
Those two things make me think that the sensor just checks for a low voltage(or no voltage if the fluid is low), so by connecting it to the positive terminal the "sensor" will be reading a voltage greater than the minimum and shouldn't trigger the warning light.
I jut don't want to break anything and was wondering what others' experiences/thoughts are
Thanks Mac, that is exactly what i was looking for.