View Full Version: seca cables shorter than maxim cables?

Xjowners > Tech Talk > seca cables shorter than maxim cables?

Title: seca cables shorter than maxim cables?

iczer - December 9, 2005 02:37 AM (GMT)
I want to put some cafe racer bars on my maxim, and was wondering if I could use the seca cables.
Are there any other options for shorter cables?

woot - December 9, 2005 10:43 AM (GMT)

The seca cables do seem to be shorter - they don't follow the long buck horns from the neck along the bars.

I replaced my 81 650 buckhorns with a set of 750 seca bars.

One problem - the mirrors are now impossible to use well - the mounts aren't wide or angled enough for my body - whereas the buckhorn bars made all the difference in terms of visibility.

What I guess I'm saying is you may need to modify your mirrors... everything else can be re-routed carefully and work.

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