Title: xj700 chain drive
xj700 - November 25, 2005 12:10 AM (GMT)
would it be possible to use parts from a xj550 to make a xj700 chain drive?
or would it be possible to put a xj700 crank and top end into/onto a xj550?
MIXJ700 - November 25, 2005 02:06 PM (GMT)
woot - November 25, 2005 02:29 PM (GMT)
LOL @ MIXJ700.
I concour. This certainly would be an ambitious project that falls into the slightly insane catagory.
First - there are two types of people that talk about bike mods like this - those who dream and those that are crazy wing nuts and make it happen. I've scoffed at a few projects only to have it fed back with some outragous creation they've built as they promised. ( Leon building his chopper ninja 250 is an example - although with Leon anything is possible so I should have known he'd do it!)
Anyhow - the next question is why? I can understand that you'd be creating a one off, and that alone is reward enough for some people. You'd also get a few extra ponies to the road. On the other hand if it is ponies you are after there are cheaper alternatives like a mid 90's sport bike - dime a dozen. Plus the shaft drive is a feature in many peoples minds... certainly from a maintance perspective.
So if you were going to do it you'd need to be a mechanical genius ( which I don't doubt you are - I've seen enough wild creations to know that this is possible ) and have the money and time to devote to this project.
If you don't fall into that catagory I'd suggest you'd leave it well alone. If you are one of these crazy mechanics then you won't need my help...
So how to do it? Well - the first thing to find out is how simular the bottom ends of the engine are. The shaft output of the 650+ engines is built right into the tranny. You'd need to throw that away as you can't do much with it - you'd need to put the 650+ upper onto the 550's bottom end... then you'll need to seriously rebuild the bottom end to take double the horsepower it was built for.
I really doubt that the 550's bottom end is going to bolt up to the 650+ top... so at this point I'd stop thinking about the project... but you aren't me - so perhaps you'd find another chain drive yamaha that has a bottom end that might bolt up to the 650+ engine.
Personally - I'd suggest you find a cheap wrecked mid 90's sportbike and see if you can put that engine into this frame - you'd be looking for something that was a tube frame that the engine sat on like our bike - I think you might find that the kawi 600's would fit pretty well. I'm not familiar with the secaII but that is a closer sibbling.
Now the next obvious problem is the rear axel - You'd probably be best to find a completely different rear end - swingarm and all... anything else would mean a purely custom rear axle. Again you might have some luck with the secaII.
At this point I ask - what is left of the XJ ? not much... another possible solution is to find a cheap mid 90's sportbike, strip it naked and see if you can bolt the xj tank and seat onto it. :)
This is what JimR would call a vapour mod - something possible but very improbable.
xj700 - November 25, 2005 06:40 PM (GMT)
eh, i was just kinda hopeing that the engines were similar enough that i could swap the cranks and top ends and be done....guess not....
i wanted to do it because i flat out do not like shaft drives (this bike was given to me)....i wanted to build a chopper with this bike, so the shaft drive limited what i could do (as far as lengthening the wheelbase a little) i know a guy in canada build a chopper with one and had a spacer built for the driveshaft....but it is still a shaft....lol
if i could find people wanting parts off this bike, it would be nice, i have been trying to part it out for like 6 months and noone wants parts from it, i had one guy that wanted the batter cover thing off the side, so i took it off, cleaned it up, boxed it up, then he just disappeared... <_<
selling it complete is kind of out of the question because it doens't run (carbs need to be rebuilt) and i dont have a title for it.
friend wanted to put the engine in his golfcart, but he dont wanna pay to rebuild the carbs....
BTW, whats the HP on a 85 700?
woot - November 25, 2005 06:43 PM (GMT)
You could do it - but I think there are probably easier bikes to do this with.
Even if the bottom end lined up you'd have to hope that you could also swap rear ends...
certainly free to try it and if you under take such a project you definately will get a pat on the back... :)
Time to source parts eh? =)
xj700 - November 25, 2005 06:48 PM (GMT)
well, all i would really end up using from the XJ would be the engine and front end, so the rearend would be no problem......
are Secas chain drive?
xj700 - November 25, 2005 06:53 PM (GMT)
nevermind, looks like older seca's are shaft, and newer ones are chain....newer ones also have the top end slanted forward more, so i doubt it would work
woot - November 26, 2005 04:29 PM (GMT)
The secaII is an entirely different beast...
All of the 650-700-750 bikes were shafties - almost certain that the only chain drive xj bike ever built was the xj550... Infact the 650 through the 900 are very very simular bikes... the 1100 is definately larger but again simular.
some dead end leads there, but give her a try :)
Hillsy - November 30, 2005 02:13 AM (GMT)
Check this link out if you are looking for a project:
http://www.bikerworld.co.uk/frameset.htmlLook under "TECHNICAL" - they make a chopper out of a GS850 shaft drive - could easily translate to an XJ.
I'm thinking about cutting up my spare parts XJ900 and making a cruiser....