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Title: Ideas please

mick fahey - December 8, 2005 01:18 PM (GMT)
Spent a very frustrating morning trying to get the drain plug and oil filter out so I can change oil and filter. Both nuts are locked in solid and I'm worried that I may shear the heads off if I put to much pressure on them.

Anyone have any idea on how they can be loosened. I've soaked them with WD40, which is a pretty sophisticated product where I live, and I'll leave them overnight.

Mick Fahey.

Hired_g00n - December 8, 2005 01:35 PM (GMT)
Mick, The only tip I can give you is to use qualty tools. Preferably the five sided hex sockets.

Every time I change my oil the nut is tighter than I put it in. They seem to bind in but will come out if you have the right gear.


winterhawk - December 8, 2005 02:34 PM (GMT)
Use a high quality 6 point socket. If your bolt on the oil filter rounds off I usually do this.

I get a large nut and tack weld it on the rounded off nut for easy removal. B)

2fast - December 9, 2005 02:47 AM (GMT)
If you have a heat gun, you can try heating the housing around the stuck fasteners. Get them as hot as possible within reason. If you use an open flame, beware the obvious risks. Then, get some ice cubes and cool just the stuck bolt head with 3 or 4 cubes in succession. Then hit it with the best socket or open end wrench you have. Be absolutely certain you are turning it the correct direction. Dyslexia can flare up at any moment. If you have an air impact wrench it may help to jar it loose. Good luck!

BlueMaxim - December 11, 2005 04:06 PM (GMT)
Harbor Freight has an impact wrench for about $10 that will do the job. All you need is the wrench and a hammer. You will find the wrench an invaluable tool when working on these bikes.

MacMcMacmac - December 11, 2005 05:58 PM (GMT)
Having worked in many CompAir Hydrovane compressors over the years which used fine thread 1/2" bolts in aluminum casings, I'd suggest giving the bolt a smart rap on the head with a hammer, or several for that matter. It seems to break the bond between the bolt and the case. If it's cross-threaded, this won't help much though. Sounds like somebody put the plug in and torqued it good while the engine was stilll warm.

mick fahey - December 11, 2005 09:13 PM (GMT)
Managed to get both bolts loosened but I have a feeling all the ideas and advice given will come in handy later.

Mick Fahey.

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