View Full Version: Fuel mixture

Xjowners > Tech Talk > Fuel mixture

Title: Fuel mixture

pianomangg - November 25, 2005 06:00 AM (GMT)
Anybody remember which way to turn the fuel mixture screws to lean the mixture?

Thanks in advance,

winterhawk - November 25, 2005 07:25 AM (GMT)
Clockwise leans out the air mixture screws. I'd turn them in until LIGHTLY seated, then back them out to 1 1/2 while the sync tubes are in place. Set for best idle then turn in some and leave at a spot when there is no change. This should be the lean best idle setting.

MIXJ700 - November 25, 2005 02:05 PM (GMT)
Righty=tighty=lean. Becareful not to go to far. Follow the above advice!

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