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Xjowners > Tech Talk

Pages: 13 4 [5] 6 7 8

  1. XJ700 Jetting
  2. Trickle charging my battery
  4. Snapped off 2 bolts in the head. Now what?
  5. 83 XJ650 carb question
  6. Ignition problems
  7. will a petcock kit help here?
  8. new owner getting a bike back in shape.
  9. Sea Foam
  10. YICS
  11. Headlight & turn signals wiring
  12. New XJ owner
  13. Fuel filter hiding somewhere?
  14. What synchronize tool do you use/recommend
  15. Need to change clutch plates
  16. mirror 'swivels' are weak
  17. Carb assembly help
  18. petcock
  19. Petcock rebuild kits
  20. Turn signal auto-cancel (with aftermarket flasher)
  21. Intermittent cutout
  22. Dim Headlight
  23. helmet holder? 82' XJ650
  24. Major tranny problem
  25. XJ 750 Maxim, No 2nd gear?
  26. XJ Bike Pictures - Everyone Read!
  27. Clutch Plates
  28. having to squirt gas / choke issue?
  29. Side stand 83 650 Maxim
  30. Oil Capasity
  31. airbox vs. cones
  32. XJ650 Maxim - Carb Rebuild kit issues
  33. need help fellas
  34. XJ700X Maxim X
  35. Tires
  36. Power problem
  37. 900 Carb Rebuild
  38. 900 cylinders on a 750
  39. Hard to start when cold
  40. new owner HELP
  41. Oil? - synthetic vs petrolium
  42. Fork oil
  43. Unknown Wires... please help. Picture included.
  44. any turbo owners??
  45. XJ700 Engine will not idle when hot, it races.
  46. Smashed up my Stator - xj750
  47. New XJ900R Owner
  48. Rare Breed
  49. My maxim hates the rain
  50. Petcock Valve Kit

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