View Full Version: having to squirt gas / choke issue?

Xjowners > Tech Talk > having to squirt gas / choke issue?

Title: having to squirt gas / choke issue?

rgouette - June 23, 2005 01:11 PM (GMT)
BIKE: 1982 XJ650
PROBLEM: I'm usually not able to start it without spraying a little gas manually into the air intake path. I.E. I peel back a rear boot on a carb, & squirt some gas into it whilst cranking.
It gets her going.
I of course, am trying choke first, but it just doesn't seem to be doing the job.
The choke mechanism IS moving on the carbs.
And I have even tried manually grabbing the choke & pulling it up to ensure it's engaged.

If the bike is warmed up, it seesm to start just fine.
It runs fine also.

Thanks fellas,

KTA - June 23, 2005 01:35 PM (GMT)
Just because the choke plungers are moving doesn't mean the pathways aren't clogged up. Get those carbies off and clean them up, esp the idle jet in the bowls.

rgouette - June 23, 2005 02:11 PM (GMT)
I should have added that the carbs were very recently removed & cleaned.

ps. I believe the intake boots are original, therefore is it possible that I'm sucking in air on one or more of those boots?

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