I have an 82 750 Maxim (XJ750J)... My petcock is "spitting" fuel out of the rear edge where the rear plate bolts on. I noticed the other day when I smelled fuel.. and looked down to see tiny little drops of fuel squrting out as the engine runs (doesnt leak when the engine is off).
I'm trying for the life of me to find a petock rebuild kit... but I cant seem to find one (I think). The only ones listed anywhere on the internet are for the 750 Seca's (RH/RJ/RK)... but not for a 750 Maxim (J). Does anyone know if a 750 Seca petcock rebuild will work on my 750 Maxim?????... it seems to me that they would use the same petcock, but maybe I'm wrong. If the ones for the Seca wont work, where the hell do I get one for my Maxim?... if they WILL work, let me know.
Here's an example of what I mean... they dont list the 750 Maxim, just the 750 Seca...