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Xjowners > Tech Talk > Oil Capasity

Title: Oil Capasity
Description: How much to add when changing oil.

bwmattox - June 18, 2005 10:34 PM (GMT)
Hey guys, im a newbie and havent had a chance to buy a manual for my bike yet. Its a 81' XJ650. Today im draining the oil for a change. I am having trouble though finding out how much to put in.

Anyone have an xj650 and changed the oil.

Also, what type do you recommend?




Oh and on a side note, keep those pictures coming to

KTA - June 19, 2005 04:32 PM (GMT)
My xj750 has the oil volume stamped on the engine right next to the oil fill cap, I'd imagine the 650's do too.

Any good motorcycle specific oil will be fine. I usually run a 20w50, but other weights won't cause you any trouble.

bwmattox - June 19, 2005 10:50 PM (GMT)
Thanks KTA,

I didnt even spot that before.

Ryan from Ohio - June 20, 2005 01:38 PM (GMT)
I Think its 3 1/2 Quarts for oil/filter change.

I added 4 Quarts to mine as I tore the motor apart and all oil was extracted- even residue.

bwmattox - June 21, 2005 04:12 AM (GMT)
Wow, i bet that took a while to do.

Hey, another quick question... i see the window to view the oil. Should it be filled half way when its on the kick stand or the service stand.

capymotiv - June 22, 2005 02:06 AM (GMT)
I know mine is on the service stand while running.

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