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Title: new owner HELP
Description: oil level/capacity

kalani - June 14, 2005 11:39 AM (GMT)
Sorry for the stupid question but..... i have just picked up a 1986 xj 700 and i dont have a manual, seems nobody makes one for this bike. Anyway, can someone tell me on the oil change if the oil needs to be in the middle of the sight glass or full, seems it should be in the middle while bike is on center stand so and to be able to tell if it is too high or too low. your help is much appreciated.

John H - June 14, 2005 02:43 PM (GMT)
On my xj550 you fill the oil to the middle of the sight glass, when on the centre stand. It's not the same bike but probably the same idea.
Hope that helps.

kalani - June 14, 2005 02:52 PM (GMT)
thanks for the help John, going to change oil this morning. oil level is well past full while on center stand now.

whisperer - June 14, 2005 06:15 PM (GMT)
You're checking it correctly. It seems a lot of folks think it should be at the top of the window when the bike is on the kick stand. That is way over-full.

My XJ700 X has the tall window instead of the round one. When it is in the middle of the window on the centerstand and you put it on the kickstand then the level is right at the bottom of the window. Seems logical that is why they made it that way but I've never seen it in print saying this is correct.

kalani - June 15, 2005 05:22 AM (GMT)
thanks whisperer, oil changed and level corrected!
aloha to all!

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