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Title: petcock
Description: leaking petcock

capymotiv - June 27, 2005 11:07 PM (GMT)
Does anyone know of a interchangeable petcock for the XJ 700 that does not have a prime feature. I have put 2 gaskets in this one already. I would like just a plain jane, on-off-reserve type that does not reuire the vacuum. I was also told that I should keep the vacuum one because it kinda acts like a accelerator pump. Is This true or is he just trying to make sales.

Kace44mag - June 28, 2005 02:20 AM (GMT)
i myself dont know of it as an accellerator pump but if you live in an area like mine or store a bike you'll miss that prime feature.

TaZMaNiaK - June 28, 2005 03:29 AM (GMT)
It does NOT act like an accelerator pump. However, the vacuum valves are automatic, so you don't have to rmember to turn it off every time, or else find the puddle under your bike. If I had a bike with a manual valve, I'd be looking to replace it with a vacuum one. Yo may need to rebuild the whole thing, not just change the gasket.. The vacuum diaphragm can crack and cause a leak.


mymaxim - June 28, 2005 03:52 PM (GMT) has the non-vacuum petcocks for some XJ's and said they can make one for just about anything. They said they could make me one for my 1982 XJ 750 Maxim.

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