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Title: Clutch Plates
Description: Adding a clutch plate

capymotiv - June 24, 2005 12:22 AM (GMT)
I currently have a 85 xj700 with 32k on it, bought used, owned about 4 months, change oil every 1k,ran seafoam through it last month.
The front forks are a little spongy for me.When I usee the front brake, the bikes front will drop about 3 inches before I can feel it start to resist. When I had the tires changed last month, I asked the mechanic if the seals were leaking and he said no.He also told me that if I wanted to tighten up the front end, I should cut a piece of PVC tubing the same size as the fork tube about 2 inches long and put it in the top end of the fork to preload the spring.
I have been a shade tree mech for about 17 years now and that just seems wrong.
Has anyone ever heard of this before? I am thinking I just need to have the forks rebuilt and have a little more oil added to get better response.
Any input is helpful.

KTA - June 24, 2005 12:59 AM (GMT)
Putting pvc in the forks is actually pretty common practice, I do it in my off-road bikes to stiffen up the front. Many people do it in their street bikes too. However, before you go this route you might . . .

1.) Check the oil level.
2.) Use a thicker oil.
3.) Use more oil.
4.) If they are air forks, put some more pressure in them.

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