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Title: high rpm!!
Description: sometimes over rev's!

madd-maxx - December 27, 2005 02:55 PM (GMT)

i have an xj seca 650 and am super happy with it!

most of the time it works fine idles fine and strong, etc.

the thing is sometimes it just over rev's and i cant bring it down!!

the weird thing is it only does it rarely

then u turn it off and it starts normally again!

any ideas what could be the problem?? :ph43r:

capymotiv - December 28, 2005 02:22 AM (GMT)
Does it only do it when you open the throttle all the way or just when you are idling or cruising? Wil it not come back down or does it climb on its own?

madd-maxx - January 3, 2006 12:00 PM (GMT)
after some high speed cruising

when u stop and put in neutral it will start acelerating!!

im ot sure it was there and dindt come down

or it accelerated by itself

because the gears brought it down when stoping.

it only does it very rarely but it is very anoying!! :angry:

the weird thing is u stop it for half a sec and it restarts normally again!!

woot - January 3, 2006 12:32 PM (GMT)

Put on your tin foil suit for one second: RANT MODE

Take it easy with the spelling - I can read it so I'm not complaining on that part, I'm complaining because I write search engines. If you write things the wrong way when other people have the same problem and search for a solution they CAN NOT FIND IT.


That's not particularily strange a symptom. What you need to do is some basic carb diagnostics.

Do you notice it bog down when you pull away?
What colour are your spark plugs?
What type of air filter do you have? ( Drop in type or pods attached to the carbs?)
What does the air filter look like?

How much oil is in the crank case? ( This isn't really an oil level check as a systems check - if it is too high we'd be looking for damaged seals, the extra liquid being gas NOT oil )

Does the motorcycle pull evenly through the rpm range?
Does it stutter or bog down if you roll off the throttle and then back on?

I think what's happening is you've got a leak in the carb system somewhere or are running rich... I think I've seen this before with a leak but lets run through it.


woot - January 3, 2006 10:18 PM (GMT)

Hey man - sorry if I came off too harsh - just adding my 2 cents on that whole thing...

good luck with the bike!

OzXJ - January 3, 2006 11:56 PM (GMT)
Hi, my bike suffers from the same symptoms. But I have learned to live with it until I need to pull the carby's down for a more major problem. What works for me is whilst it is revving high at idle, raise the revs quickly by giving it a quick big stab with the throttle and then the revs should drop back down to the normal idle range. Give it a try :)

capymotiv - January 4, 2006 09:56 PM (GMT)
You might want to also consider checking your cables and throttle blades. If the bushings are gross for the throttle blades, it may not be closing your blades actively. A sticking cable can also cause the same problem. Sounds like you may have something sticking.Run some SEAFOAM throught the system on a full tank of gas followed by a little trans fluid or marvel oil next couple times around. If problem goes away, time for a carb rebuild or at least a cleaning.

madd-maxx - January 5, 2006 10:41 PM (GMT)
hmm ok the bike works normal in all the rpm range!!

idles's fine etc!

the plugs are ok a bit white maybe!

i tried over reving sometimes!!

but some times it doesnt work and just superover revs!!

sorry about ur ranting woot but i dunno what i did wrong!!

tell me is it true this site is closing??

i got an e-mail saying ur merging w/ it true?

if so it would be a pity because this is much nicer!! :(

woot - January 5, 2006 11:18 PM (GMT)

No idea - didn't get that email :(

I did notice that the now points to

I also haven't seen Mr Fork in a long time - a sign that perhaps he's moved on or isn't as interested/motivated as he was. Who knows. If they're looking for a new admin ( ie if time is the issue) I'd offer my help... from what you're saying and the circumstances surround this it sounds like a done deal)

Crappy - I liked it here too...

My rant was that if you spell things wrong, then if someone searches for it using the correct spelling they won't find your post. If someone has posted a really good answer to your problem it won't get found. Meaning replying to a post with bad spelling is somewhat a waste of time in the long term. In your case you were doing U = you and things like that - not so bad for the search engine as breaks and brakes but still I wonder if it's nessisary all the time. This is a personal pet peave and it's not meant as a personal attack... I know in responding you could take it personally but seriously it's not.

White plugs suggest lean - which means it could be a bit warmer... I know with small engines the way to set the richness is to set it at a constant throttle position and turn it leaner - keep turning till the engine hits a peak rpm, then back it off a bit to make sure it isn't too lean. Too lean means too hot which isn't good. How this relates is that you might be too lean and causing idling problems that way.

One other comment there -- as it gets colder the bike will run even more lean. Cold air is more dense. Perhaps as someone else said it wouldn't hurt to use a bit of carb cleaner. I've found that carb cleaner is ok maintance, but it's not a solution to really dirty carbs.

As it is getting near winter perhaps you could take the rack off the bike and follow the instructions on the XJCD ( I don't own a copy but I know that the XJOWNERS mailing list people had very good instructions - they're the ones who made the CD...) The thing to remember is that you want to clean the small channels - that's where the smallest dirt makes the biggest difference. Also remember to use really really soft materials as the carbs are delicate and small scratches will negatively effect their performance.

Someone else made a very valid comment as well - non-lubed cables and sticking mechanical parts will also cause the throttle to behave strangely. Our throttle is only single acting - meaning that it might open properly but stick when being closed. Dual acting throttles just get heavy, but will always behave the same way. Do you ever get the feeling that the throttle is sticking - like the time the boot mat folds over onto the gas pedal of your car?

BTW - what rpm does your bike idle? Somewhere near 1300?

woot - January 6, 2006 12:53 AM (GMT)
I have an announcement that I’d like to share with all of you. Some of you may know that there is a site called Ed graciously agreed to pass the XJowners site into my hands. I will be merging the 2 sites into This is great news for all of us XJ riders. As a result we will have one site so we don’t have to be scattered in multiple locations .

Hillsy - January 6, 2006 04:08 AM (GMT)
This erratic sort of idling behaviour could be all the things mentioned here, but if it super revs as suggested I wouldn't suspect it's leaning out but possibly one or more of the carb slides sticking open or perhaps the needles not being properly clipped / seated.
I had weird idling behaviour with a big single once - after cleaning out the carb I forgot to put the spacing washer back under the circlip of the needle which allowed the needle to move up and down without the slide and it did all sorts of things at idle from stalling to rev-hunting and sometimes racing.
I'd try taking the top covers off the carbs and ensure that:
A) There is a slide spring
B) The slides move up und down freely
C) The needles are secure in the slides
If that all checks out, try Sea Foam / dismantle and clean out the carbs with compressed air.

woot - January 6, 2006 10:41 AM (GMT)

I also seem to remember torn/damaged diaphrams did something simular... in combination with a faulty petcock I beleive you could find your gas tank in your oil bath...

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