I just finished the build on my carbs, and am waiting for my sync tools to arrive. So while waiting I checked the valves yesterday.
Intake-spec (.004-.006)
#1- .005
#2- .004
#3- .006
#4- .002
Exhaust-spec (.006-.008)
#1- .007
#2- .008
#3- .008
#4- .007
I work on diesel engines all the time and and always try to set valves to the mid range point. But I've never done any work on a bike but assume it should be the same way. I know that #4 intake must be adjusted. How crucial is it that I make adjustments to some of the others that are not right at the midrange point. I assume it would be fine but with the carb sync so crucial, would'nt I get more even readings when I adjust carbs if the valves were all right on?
Also does anyone know were to get the shims I need?
Any feedback would be appreciated.
Is there a shim chart anywhere that has been converted to standard measure?
Richard B.
I think it's best to shim towards the larger side of the spec'd tolerances for 2 reasons:
The gap will close up (slightly) when the engine is hot, and
The gap will close over time as the valve face / valve seat wear into each other.
At least this way you know you won't be doing any damage to your valvetrain components by having a valve close up on you.
As far as synching the carbs go, 1 or 2 thou difference between the valves should not affect this. If the valves weren't seating properly, this would be an issue (too small a tolerance, burnt valve, etc)
As for shim availability and shim chart, I haven't had to change any of mine as yet so I don't know about anywhere else other than Mr Yamaha.
Make sure you check the adjustment when it is stone cold. There is a number on the bottom of the pad. Usually you can go 1 size larger or smaller to get it in specs without having to use the chart.
Your #4 if it is at .002 will probablly take 1 number smaller shim. Install the number face down so it won't get rubbed off by the cams.
If you order the XJCD, it'll actually have a chart to measure against. Where those clearances? Your number #4 looks worn. The XJ Mailing list actually has a valve shim pool going. For a $15 depost, you ask for your size, they'll mail it to you, you mail your old one in, then they give you your money back.
Thanks for all the good advice. I'll check into that pool. Already have the cd must have over looked it.