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Title: Clutch options...
Description: ... which one to get?

89PathSE - May 8, 2005 11:15 PM (GMT)
Well... now I've played with the carbs a little bit, open exhaust (vance&hines megaphone 4-1 with removed baffles), and constant Seafoam has REALLY opened up my 82 xj750 maxim. The clutch cant take it any more... badly slips the moment you try to give it full throttle at anything above 7k rpm. Linkage is adjusted correctly... its just an old clutch (34k miles on origonal clutch). Is that fairly normal longevity of a stock clutch? It got increasingly worse when I changed the oil last week. I used Castrol GTX 10w40 (its a non "energy conserving" rating... meaning it shouldn't harm the clutch). In any case, what is the best clutch option for a high-powered xj750? I was looking at the KG Clutch Factory clutch set.... 20% stiffer springs, new steel plates, and new kevlar-type friction disks. Anyone heard of/tried them? Does anybody know any good options? I'm looking for maximum horsepower capabilities... this old XJ is really singing now that she's been given some good old fashioned TLC. Someone told me that you cant beat the OEM cork-type clutches in terms of wear-life... that true? What would you do? I can get an entirely new KG clutch for $100. Thanks for any info you can give me.

KTA - May 9, 2005 03:40 AM (GMT)
I can't help you out with your problem but will be very interested in anyones recommendations. My clutch also slips under hard acceleration. Used clutches seem to sell dirt cheap on ebay, but you never know what you're getting.

richard_morden - May 10, 2005 09:04 PM (GMT)
I would like to try a kevlar clutch myself.

Ryan from Ohio - May 21, 2005 10:52 PM (GMT)
I got brand new aftermarket clutch plates for under $40 shipped off E Pay ;)

KTA - May 23, 2005 09:31 PM (GMT)
I just bought a set of clutch plates from Hopefully I'll be putting them in this week. It was $32 for 8 plates, and free shipping. Came pretty quick too.

KTA - May 27, 2005 04:39 AM (GMT)
I just put in the new friction plates today - What a difference. The clutch no longer slips, and it is a suprisingly easy job.

Ryan from Ohio - May 27, 2005 05:33 PM (GMT)
What about the springs?

I replaced just the friction plates. I still have clutch slip at high RPMs. Just not enough grab to do a wheelie or even lift the front :(

I need them 20% stronger clutch spring. Anyone know where to get them at?

KTA - May 28, 2005 06:17 AM (GMT)
Well the xj750's (or most 10's-80's 750's) aren't really a "lift the front" kind of bike. If the clutch is still slipping after new friction plates than I image it is your springs or adjustment.

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