Title: Timing
Ryan from Ohio - May 13, 2005 01:34 AM (GMT)
OK so I got REAL ambitious about a month and a half ago and decided to tear into my bike to powdercoat the engine...
After realizing its going to be more work than what its worth I decided to not get so deep into it. I stoped short of tearing into the actual motor case.
Here is my issue. When taking off the side cover over the crank (Left foot area) there is a timing deal in there. There is a little finger that sticks up which is the absolute timing mark. Well I took that off so I could get the stationary disk out of there without having to remove the electronics.
Now I realize my error... How do I reset this timing mark so the motor will be synced correctly? Heck there has to be about 10 degrees play on it... I dont want to fry my motor :(
Luna3 - May 13, 2005 01:57 PM (GMT)
Just a quick thought, I think this called static timing, which means that some kind of pointer has to line up with a mark on the case or the case seam. Your No. 1 cylinder (farthest one to the left when sitting on the bike?) has to be at top dead center when you line up the mark.
My manual is lost the garage so I can't really give a better response. Maybe the others will chime in!
Chevy Metal - May 13, 2005 07:26 PM (GMT)
hey Ryan From Ohio. what part of OH are you from? im in columbus.
ckyle29 - May 14, 2005 05:20 AM (GMT)
This is a tricky one, and requires a degree wheel and the know how to use one to do it correctly. Unfortunately the process takes up about a page of the repair manual, so it is too long to type into here. In the Haynes manual, go to page 146, section 8 and it gives you the process for doing this job. If your mark isn't right, you will never get the timing right. Good luck. Cary.
Ryan from Ohio - May 14, 2005 05:12 PM (GMT)
Thanks for the info...
I have the Haynes manual but its an older one. I will read into it tonight/tomorrow.
Im up around the Toledo area also...
Ryan from Ohio - May 17, 2005 12:31 PM (GMT)
Well I was able to set my TDC last night using a 2" dial :)
Went rather well and easy :)
Now to get the bike back together...