View Full Version: Rough first to second shift

Xjowners > Tech Talk > Rough first to second shift

Title: Rough first to second shift
Description: Shifting problem

maximjim - May 16, 2005 06:06 PM (GMT)
Hi All... new member here.

When shifting from first to second gear over 5-6K RPM, I can hear and feel a bit of grinding noise when the gears change. If I shift at a lower RPM, all is well... no noise or feeling that the gears aren't happing coming together. I am a new biker with little experience with other bikes, but I assume this is NOT normal. All the other shifts are normal regardless of RPM.

My questions are: Is this a sign of things going bad that I should expect to repair soon? Should I shift at lower RPM to hold things together longer?

I've had the bike less than a year, and it put about 3K miles on it. It now has 14K miles. I'm assuming this would be a very expensive repair due to the labor to get to the parts in question.

Thanks very much!

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