Hey there all you XJ'ers. I have an '82 maxim XJ650J in decent shape. It ran fine for a while, and then the idle started acting up. After it warmed up the idle would drop enough to stall unless goosed. I adjusted the idle speed screw up enough so as to keep the bike from stalling, but now the idle between shifts stays very high (3-4.5 rpm). So far I can only get it to idle at rest fine, but with high rpm's at shift. Or I can get it to shift fine, but the at rest idle is too low!
What could be the cause for this? What should I be looking for? The throttle cable appears to be in good shape with good snap back when released (unless it's run in cold weather). The cable also has the required free-play at the handlebar. Any help is appreciated.
did you pull the cable off and check it by hand? i had simillar probs with mine. It turned out being the cable, was a bit sticky in the cable sheath,at a higher throttle the cable might be sticking were it does not at lower speed.I got one from e-bay for 11 shipped.
I might just have fixed the problem. I adjusted the set screw in the throttle at the carbs and she ran like a raped ape. The manual I had didn't say jack about that adjustment. Now she idles fine and shifts smooth as butter.
I even threw a bag on the side so I can use it for more than just joy riding.
"Black as night faster than a shadow..."