View Full Version: Noisy Starting problem

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Title: Noisy Starting problem

Graves - May 21, 2005 08:18 PM (GMT)
A friend of mine has a '82 maxim XJ750J that makes some nasty noise when it's started. My first thought was that the starter was going bad. I took it off the bike and examined the gears and the gears it attaches to inside the bike. Everything looked fine so I bench tested it and it spun well and made no abnormal noise. After re-installing it on the bike I noticed that the noise seems to be coming from inside the motor or tranny near the starter, but not from the starter itself.

Has anyone had similar problems and if so, how can it be rectified? It only makes noise when starting. No problems when running.

saber - May 22, 2005 12:06 AM (GMT)
My bike is the exact same model and has the exact same issue. Don't sweat it, the noise is coming from the throwout mechanism from the starter solenoid. It really is not a problem just sounds bad when the starter is engaging and releasing the flywheel when starting. If you want to tear it down and lube all the joints and areas that seem to rub the noise will go away.

KTA - May 24, 2005 04:46 AM (GMT)
If you are talking about a high pitch whining/screaching noise then I think it's pretty common. My starter sure makes lots of noise.

Graves - May 25, 2005 08:59 PM (GMT)
It's more of a grinding type of noise, like something is loose. Now i'm used to working on automobiles not bikes, but am I crazy for thinking that the gears on the bikes starter are in a fixed position? As in, they don't go in and out like an automotive starter with a bendix, they just stay where they are and something in the bike itself determines whether the starter drives the flywheel? That's what has me confused, because that's the way it seems in my eyes. Therefore wouldn't the problem be the flywheel or another component other than the starter?? :(

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