View Full Version: Spinning Clutch

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Title: Spinning Clutch
Description: Possible old clutch or tranny

Metalshade - May 22, 2005 11:44 PM (GMT)
What does it mean when the transmission is turning while switching from nuetral to first. What I mean is:
When switching from nuetral to first, I can fell the teeth catching. I know it is an easy and common answer for old standard vehicles. But this shadetree mechanic does not know.
So what is it? Old clutch? Old tranny? Or what?
What do I need to replace or overhaul?
Thanks. B)

Ryan from Ohio - May 23, 2005 01:52 PM (GMT)
Sounds like the clutch is not fully disengageing...?

Maybe a simple adjustment of the cable :)

Metalshade - May 24, 2005 02:24 AM (GMT)
I will start with adjusting the cable first. Hopefully your right. But then I need to get the knocks and pings outta the engine first. Um, I think. B)

Ryan from Ohio - May 24, 2005 04:27 PM (GMT)
Im having some funny engine noise now also. It wasnt there before the tear down. Only thing I can say to check for sure is the tensioner on the back. It is spring loaded but at any RPM the chain can shake and move the tensioner if the bolt isnt secured.

Should be like a 10mm hex bolt. Give her a few cranks with the starter but dont start it. Tighten that bolt :)

Metalshade - May 27, 2005 02:00 AM (GMT)
I will have to add that to my list. This list is growing long, fast.
My 750J did not have the best of owners, but she is still here and running.

Thanks for the tips.

Metalshade - May 27, 2005 02:02 AM (GMT)
I will have to add that to my list. This list is growing long, fast.
My 750J did not have the best of owners, but she is still here and running.

Thanks for the tips. B)

KTA - May 27, 2005 04:28 AM (GMT)
A lot of older bikes are like that, all the bikes I have owned have been notchy from N to 1st. Just hit the shifter firmly so the gears don't grind and forget about it. It shouldn't be much of a concern.

Metalshade - May 28, 2005 08:37 PM (GMT)
Yeah, go figure!

I finally got around to contacting my Yamaha Dealer Service Dept. He said the same thing. He said that it was completely normal on an older bike. Great news!

Thanks, everyone! B)

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