The bike is in the shop but they don't no what the problem is. The bike will start up just fine but when you try it again 30 minutes later it won't start :blink: what can it be help me.
When you start it for the first time does it stay running or does it stall out?
It starts but stalls when you try to start it later but when it sits for an hour or so it will start. I put a new battery in but still same thing :blink:
You last post still left me a little confused.
The bike starts and runs, but when you shut it off and try to start it again it won't start? But then if it sits for a while it will start and run again? Or will it not run at all ever? The distinction is important.
Ok In the morning when you first start the bike it will start then :blink: you ride it somewhere park it then return a couple minute later and try to start it. It wont start back up :blink: . The bike has 18,000 miles and sat for many years could it be the CDI