Has anyone disabled the sidestand switch on their XJ? I have a 1982 750 Maxim. The sidestand switch is very annoying, because I can't start the bike with the sidestand down-and can't let it idle on the sidestand. I either have to be on the bike or it has to be on the centerstand. If someone has simple instructions on where to locate the switch, that would be great. Thanks.
Your sidestand switch should only kill the motor if you are in gear. If you are in neutral the bike should start and idle fine while on the side stand. - At least this is how my 750 seca is.
To disable the switch:
The switch is right down next to the kickstand, just take a look, it's in plain sight. All you'll need to do is snip and cross the wires going into it - I believe there are 3 wires.
Thanks. I'll try that. I think the relay/switch may be faulty. My Maxim kills whether it's in neutral or not when I put the sidestand down.
did you try cleaning your contacts on your relay? A good electrical cleaning does wonders. try that before you go cutting and taping wires. or evan a salavge yard has one on hand. i think that their all the same on XJ models.