Title: I have more xj750 questions!
Description: Since no one else is asking any . . . .
KTA - February 20, 2005 08:35 AM (GMT)
I have some more questions. ( Haven't gotten my XJ CD's yet ).
1.) I have a brand new front tire that I bought for my last bike, it's the same as the XJ front. However it is a tubed type tire. Can I run a tubed type tire and tube on the XJ front wheel?
2.) What is the purpose of tube that goes from the petcock to the 3rd intake manifold? Is it necessary?
3.) How much oil does it take?
4.) Most new spark plugs seem to have a bulbus top on them rather than the older thin threaded top. Where can I get plug caps that will fit the modern plugs?
5.) Whats the best way to clean corrosion out of brake calipers without further damaging the surfaces? Steel wool perhaps?
6.) Would anyone here recommend pod filters on the XJ? Or will they drastically kill my mileage?
I guess that's about all I have right now. This XJ is going to be in Tip Top shape by spring time. I've spent about 70 hrs on it so far since I got it. It's turning out very nicely.
richard_morden - February 20, 2005 04:47 PM (GMT)
1- I heard you can't. I wouldn't try it. Seems like it's a safety thing.
2- Is it the vacume line that opens the diaphram to turn on fuel delivery?
3- Should be on the right side casing close to where you fill it. Probably stated in CC's. I use that as a guidline, sometimes its only approximate.
richard_morden - February 20, 2005 04:48 PM (GMT)
4- Try unscrewing it. Probably a better idea then altering plugwires. I prefer NGK plugs. I use the in my outboards, bikes, and my golfcart.
5- Perhaps. Maybe a wire brush.
Nobby C - February 20, 2005 09:06 PM (GMT)
I have to agree with Richard,
1 It can be done but is not recommended. Are you sure that the tyre is not a tubless one anyway? It will be written on the side wall.
2 It is the vacuume line that operates the petrol tap as Richard said. This cannot be disconnected as your bike will only fire a couple of times then stop if it runs at all.
3 Not sure, but as Richard says it is on the casing.
4 The caps will definately unscrew though you may need pliers to do this.
5 I would use nothing more abraisive than a metal polish. If this does not get rid of the corrosion then the caliper may be past it's sell by date.
6 I personally have never had any great success with pod filters as I never could get the jetting and mixtures right after. Other people have told me that they have had better results though. I think that it is personal preference at the end of the day.
richard_morden - February 21, 2005 12:42 AM (GMT)
6 Have to agree with knobby here, might be best to try it later, after everything else is taken care of before upgrading. They look great and I would like them myself, but my Maxim is pretty snorty the way it is. So I haven't gotten them yet either.