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Title: Unusual request/fuel cap.

padon - June 1, 2005 06:52 PM (GMT)
Hi. I'm new and I am hoping someone might be able to help me with something.

I just bought a 1980 650 maxim, and after driving it home, and a few more miles I needed to put fuel in. The key would not let the cap open, though I eventually got it to turn. Long story short, the local dealer and I ended up prying it up and popping it loose, but 2 small bits came off and a screw dropped in the tank. (not worried about the screw). I was wondering if anyone had a similar bike that might be able to get a close pic of the underside of the fuel cap so I can see how it is put together, and maybe repair mine. There is a silver shroud there with 2 small screw, I'm not sure how the slide mechanism gets placed back in there.

You don't have to disassemble your bike for me though, anything at all would help, even if you could just describe it.


Kliph - June 2, 2005 01:05 PM (GMT)
I wld suggest you go to the Yamaha Parts site for a blow-up of the
Gas Cap.

I did not see any 1980 XJ's - perhaps you have an 81


Metalshade - June 4, 2005 03:15 AM (GMT)
I have an '82 Maxim 750, but my guess is that the gas caps are the same, or very simialr. There is a locking mechanism held to the underside of the gas cap with two screws. It has two latches protruding on either side of it. These latches retreat into the mechanism when the key is turned allowing the cap to be opened. When closed the latches catch the rim of the fuel tank and is locked down.

It is just a guess, but would not the screw possibly block fuel from flowing freely. At the very least it might rust over time dirtying up your engine. I suppose a more experienced XJOwner will comment if the screw presents a problem.

Yamaha still sells the fuel cap assemblies for around $50, or maybe there is a cheaper non-OEM part at your local cycle shop.

Good luck! B)

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