View Full Version: Replacing brake calipers, any tips?

Xjowners > Tech Talk > Replacing brake calipers, any tips?

Title: Replacing brake calipers, any tips?

thedamo - June 2, 2005 01:44 PM (GMT)
I got a set of new calipers to put on my '82 XJ750 and I was wondering if there was anything I should watch out for that the Haynes manual doesn't mention. I'm going to stick with the original rubber brake lines for now.

KTA - June 2, 2005 02:15 PM (GMT)
Should be a pretty easy job. I like to scratch up the banjo bolts and crush washers with some sandpaper to both get any residue off them and create a good sealing surface. I've had little leaks develope around the banjo bolts before, a little light sanding stops it.

But replacing the calipers is a pretty straight forward job you shouldn't have any problems.

Jim W - June 3, 2005 04:01 AM (GMT)
If the washers on the banjo bolts are copper, you can anneal them by placing them on a brick and heating them with a propane torch, and they will be re-usable. But if the caliper comes with new ones I would certainly use those.

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