Hey all,
Recently I purchased an old 1981 Yamaha XJ650. Under that seat as you know is a little black fuse box which contains 4 glass tube fuses. I believe i saw mine say 20amp, and 3 10amps. My fuse box has a couple missing, and the copper fuse holders have just worn out. From lack of care, two arent even being used along with some cut wires, and a crapy job of a kill switch. The previous owner obviously didnt give a darn about the electrical of the bike other than just to run.
I have a question for all of you...
I have heard of some XJ owners replacing this fuse box with newer plastic square type fuses. Have any of you done this work? If so can you post some pictures under this topic of your work done to the fuse box.
The reason im considering replacement is because i have too.. these copper holder are just broken beyond repair so i thought why not just install a better fuse box while i was at it.
I have heard that these glass fuses can cause strange problems such as sudden power loss, engine stop, ect ect, due to the fact they cant hold up a long time due to engine vibrations.
Any thoughts, any suggestions...
I've never had any problems related to the glass fuses (except for them blowing when I mess up some wiring changes :lol: ), so I would be inclined to just replace it with a standard fuse box.
You can probably find a replacement on ebay or in a junk yard for real cheap but if you felt the need to modernize the setup you can do that as well. You could even pick up a fusebox at radio shack and screw it on.
I just bought my '82 Maxim and noticed someone has re-wired the fuse box already. They used the two-piece screw type fuse holders, but still use the glass fuses. Haven't had any problems with it. Looks like someone did a pretty neat job.
Hey MyMaxim,
I dont suppose you could take a pic of the new hardware could ya?
Sure, PM me with your e-mail address and I'll snap a photo for you. Thanks.