Even with the front brake not applied, the pads squeak. I can't hear it at speed just when slowing or rolling at idle and it sounds like hell.
Any ideas?
The front caliper is hanging up slightly probably.
Disassemble the caliper. If any rust is present on the piston sand smooth again with 800-1000 grit sandpaper. Also check the bore of the brake! Clean WELL then reassemble.
My Maxim used to squeak the same way. I sanded the front disc with some very fine sand paper. Sanding off some of the gloss. Now it doesn't squeak.
Thanks for the advice. Another guy told me to spray the pads and rotors with brake cleaner. I'll try the less invasive procedures before I take the caliper apart because I'm sure to **** that up!
Hi There...
Several things can contribute to this issue. The cleanliness issue has been addressed, and is the most common culprit. Keep in mind also that:
1) Brake fluid is hygroscopic (absorbs water from any source, even the atmosphere). This has several undesireable side effects, including damage to the caliper piston bores. This can prevent the pistons from returning to a sufficiently retracted position, and squealing can result. Sometimes this is just annoying, but it can also cause heat build up; clean brake fluid doesn't expand much, but when contaminated with water, it will (can even boil the water...) applying slight pressure to the pads. Muy bad news if the front wheel passes over sand or an oil slick. Buy a vacuum bleeder, change the fluid every six months (no, not every year). This will stop 90% of the problems.
2) The squeal can also be merely caused merely by vibration; Yammy disks get rough quick, especially if using sintered pads, leading to squealing even if the pistons are retracting normally. I have stopped this by applying an extremely thin coat of high temp RTV to the back of the pads when new (almost impossible to get them clean enough for the stuff to stick after being in service). I do this because I'm a cheap skate...CRC Disk Brake Quiet is the real deal.
Best of luck....