I have a 1983 XJ750 Maxim, and as far as I know, the turn signals are not self cancelling. However, just recently I've noticed that my turnsignals shut off all by themselves at different times. The only clue so far is that it started with the summer heat. The switch also seems to be fine, it activates and shuts off the appropriate signals just fine. Is there some sort of flasher relay somewhere in the wiring that may need to be replaced? Any help would be much appreciated.
I think my 650 is self cancelling. At least it does cancel when it wants to cancel. Sometimes it doesn't when I want it to cancel. I thought I read some where that it did it within so much time or/and so much distance.
Anyway, there are at least 3 relays under the tank. I think the headlamp and side-stand relays are closer together. I think that the flasher relay is by itself.
The flasher relay is easy to check. If you take the tank off, the relay lives suspended from a small rubber loop attached to the underside of the frame toward the front of the bike. If it's working you should be able to hear it click when you hit the turn switch.
But I wouldn't write off the switch just yet. I think the relay pretty much works or doesn't, so if your problem's sporadic, it's probably not the relay. OTOH, if the switch is just starting to go, the signals will respond erratically. And it could be that you're just not seeing the problem when you test them.
I also have a 750 ('82) and, although I think it's supposed to be self cancelling, it doesn't do it consistently. In my case, I know its the switch -- but, then, it's obvious because the normal signal functionality is a little whimsical, too.
I recently purchased a 1982 750 seca and I'm also have problems with the turn signals. Them seem to work pefectly when the engine speed is above 2500 rpm but when I come to a stop before turning they either stop flashing, turn off (cancel) or flash slowly. Any ideas?