I recently bought an old 82 650 Maxim that was sitting in a friends garage for about 15 years. I changed the battery, plugs, oil, gas, air filter and brake fluid. Also added a little bit of Seafoam to the gas line. At first it would take several tries to start, and when it did it would die immediately. I've gotten it to the point where it will start and idle, but the problem now is that there is what appears to be unburnt gas/oil spraying out of the hole at the bottom of the exhaust pipe(towards the back) on the right side. There is also some unburnt gas/oil dripping out of the pipes that connect to the second and third cylinder. I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas what might be causing this and what can be done to fix it. Thanks in advance!
John, I'd say the carbs have to come off for a cleaning. Gas dripping out the exhaust indicates that the valve which allows fuel into the float chamber is not working right.
Or it could be nothing more than the headers and collection box (you're running the stock exhaust setup, right?) spitting out the rust/condensation/mung that has built up over a long period of inactivity.
My 550 Seca did the same thing the first three or four times I ran it in my garage while I was trying to detect/repair the neglect inflicted on it by the PO. Once all the gunk was blown out of the muffler drain holes, the symptom never returned.
Are you sure it's fuel that's coming out of the drain holes? Could it be water condensation that just smells like fuel because it's been sitting in the exhaust colllector for so long?