View Full Version: Carb Flood

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Title: Carb Flood
Description: Tried the search

CuLayTur - August 25, 2005 08:44 PM (GMT)
I tried to use the search feature 'cause I hate to ask questions that have already been answered, but it's not currently working.

Seems like when the bike is on the center stand all is good. As soon as I put the bike on the kickstand, the leftside carb, the one that is now the lowest is flooding back into my airbox. All the carb floats seem to be adjusted correctly last time I took them off. Do I have to adjust that one carb a little different. And is there a reference on the site to make the procedure a little more clearer?


singingotter - August 26, 2005 04:55 PM (GMT)
Your float needle valve and seat aren't working. The float should push the needle up against the seat and shut off the fuel supply when the correct level is reached. -OR- the fuel level is so high in the bowl that setting the bike on it's side stand is letting the excess flow out - but that seems unlikely. You can test this off the bike with a hose and auxilliary fuel tank. Use the test procedure in the manual for setting float bowl levels. Hopefully your drain plugs will come out.

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