View Full Version: need wiring diagrams for electronic tach conv.

Xjowners > Tech Talk > need wiring diagrams for electronic tach conv.

Title: need wiring diagrams for electronic tach conv.

iczer - September 7, 2005 11:03 PM (GMT)
I just did a 650 to 750 swap, and am changing the tach over to the electronic one( old motor was mec. , new one isn't). I've been trying to figure out where the two tach wires go. one is light brown, and one is just brown. which goes where? I know one goes to the coil, and one goes to a wire on the neutral light. which goes where? on, and it might be pertinant that the bike was originally a 81 xj650, and now it has a 82 xj750 YICS motor in it.
any help would be great. :D

iczer - September 12, 2005 10:00 PM (GMT)
for those who where wondering... Its really easy. just connect the brown wire to the brown wire coming from the neutral light. and you connect the orange wire to the orange wire coming from the coil on the left hand side of the bike. thats it.
I notice that the electronic tach is a lot more responsive than the mechanical one. good easy swap.

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