View Full Version: XJ500 Vacuum for Carb Sync

Xjowners > Tech Talk > XJ500 Vacuum for Carb Sync

Title: XJ500 Vacuum for Carb Sync
Description: What is it?

Lusso5 - September 9, 2005 08:28 PM (GMT)
What level of vacuum should I be looking for when synchronising the carbs?

I don't have my hands on the XJ CD yet.

Thanks for the info.

ckyle29 - September 10, 2005 03:54 AM (GMT)
I believe the 550 is like the 650 or 750, in that the manufacturer doesn't give a specific number that the vacuum needs to be. The important thing is that all four readings are the same.

On the home page, if you click on "links" there is a link called "Daves Yamaha XJ page". It has an excellent guide for synchronizing the carbs in it.


Lusso5 - September 10, 2005 05:09 AM (GMT)
Oops! I mistyped. I meant to type XJ700; that is the bike I have.

I'll check out the link.


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