View Full Version: Rubber airbox to carb boots?

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Title: Rubber airbox to carb boots?

xjgurp - September 13, 2005 01:38 AM (GMT)
The rubber "tubes" I guess they are, from the airbox to my carbs are all hard and a couple are cracked. Is there a good aftermarket solution?

John in Halifax

85 XJ750 XN

MacMcMacmac - September 13, 2005 03:06 AM (GMT)
You can check eBay, but most of the kits there are for boots between the carb and head. You can try the old trick of rubbing RTV silicone into the cracks and letting it cure. Other than that, you may be stuck putting pods on it. I'd hit up any local bike scrapyards first though.

FunkySi - September 13, 2005 05:16 PM (GMT)
I bought a complete set of rubber mounts from Nightingales. Can't remember the prices , but they weren't too steep.

xjgurp - September 14, 2005 09:59 PM (GMT)
Thanks - I think at least one is beyond any restoration - I'll check online for aftermarkets.


inkpen - September 15, 2005 03:04 AM (GMT)

Are these on the right side of your bike? I'm wondering if this is a source of a problem I'm having, as rubber caps on that side of the bike are cracked for me too. But I'm too much of a novice to know what's bad, and what isn't. I'm thinking I might take some photos and post them up for outsider review/advice..

xjgurp - September 16, 2005 03:16 AM (GMT)
QUOTE (inkpen @ Sep 14 2005, 08:04 PM)

Are these on the right side of your bike? I'm wondering if this is a source of a problem I'm having, as rubber caps on that side of the bike are cracked for me too. But I'm too much of a novice to know what's bad, and what isn't. I'm thinking I might take some photos and post them up for outsider review/advice..

Yep. It's the right hand (#1?) cylinder. The boot seems to have been sort of twisted with a gap on the side. Looks like it was that way for a loooong time. Probably as long as I have been having intermittent firing problems. Since I found it was sucking unfiltered air I had the carbs cleaned and found some dried o-rings and crap in the screens.

It was the far right hand side boot that is all dried out and cracked and hard.


Jim W - September 17, 2005 01:50 PM (GMT)
I got a couple at my local Yamaha dealer here in Ottawa about two months ago, and they were about $6 each.
The clutch cable had been pushing against one of them which seems like it had dislodged and deformed it but I was able to move it over a bit so it doesn't anymore. I just tied it in position witha tie wrap up against the frame.
I think it goes between the right hand one and the next one to it - I would call them #3 and 4, if looking at the bike from the rear.

xjgurp - September 17, 2005 04:45 PM (GMT)
6 bucks? That's all? I will call my dealer. I assumed they would be $40 or so...


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