View Full Version: Speedometer

Xjowners > Tech Talk > Speedometer

Title: Speedometer
Description: Odometer and tripometer don't work

Still - March 11, 2005 06:14 AM (GMT)
Does anyone know if the odometer and tripometer run off the speedo cable or are they run off a sensor? Neither work on the 85 XJ750NX I've got. Any help would be appreciated.

richard_morden - March 12, 2005 01:57 AM (GMT)
I think cable. Listed a bike bandit for $10.18.

KTA - March 12, 2005 05:15 AM (GMT)
It's a cable system. Take the cable off an see if it is broken. If not you'd have to look at the mechanisms on your wheel hub, and inside the speedometer.

Still - March 13, 2005 03:51 AM (GMT)
Thanks Richard and KTA. I should have mentioned the speedometer works fine, the odometer and tripometer do not.

Nobby C - March 13, 2005 10:05 AM (GMT)
Yes, they are run from the same gable as the speedo. it sounds like you have a problem that is internal to the clock.

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