View Full Version: Number of bearings for top and bottom races

Xjowners > Tech Talk > Number of bearings for top and bottom races

Title: Number of bearings for top and bottom races
Description: Steering stem bearings

crc1214 - September 28, 2005 03:41 PM (GMT)
Anyone know the correct number of balls for the top and bottom steering stem races on an 82 XJ750R (Seca)?

I swear I read 19 in the manual at the library, but for some reason I only counted 18 when I had everything apart lastnight!


Can someone confirm if it's 18 or 19?



winterhawk - October 2, 2005 06:15 AM (GMT)
Now is the time to remove the ball bearings and replace them with tapered Timkin bearings.

The switch made night and day difference on my 1982 Seca Turbo.

CTSommers - October 3, 2005 06:36 AM (GMT)
Hey winterhawk where did you get your Smooth Motorcycle Tapered Steering Bearing Conversion kit from?

winterhawk - October 4, 2005 04:52 AM (GMT)

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