're a Canadian shop in Halifax Nova Scotia... great shop IMHO.
I've had great experience with them - their parts guys are friendly and spend time getting the parts sorted out and giving advice. I wrecked a bike awhile ago and they gave some really good discounts on parts and apologized when they couldn't get the prices lower than they did...
Their mechanics are good and their new lead in the back is great - another guy you can discuss what needs doing, what should be done, and feel comfortable saying if you get in there and this is bad just fix it.
Sales people are good - they don't push you onto the top SS bike and actually listen to what you want from the bike - I said I was looking for a sport tourer and was considering something like the vfr or the zzr. He showed me the floor zzr600, the z750 and even a consignment katana 600. All 3 bikes were possabilities -- then he showed me the fz bikes... again nice bikes. This year I'll be going back and maybe just maybe I can get a new bike... the 650 ninja has promise as it looks like a comfortable every day rider. I also am a sucker for the vfr. Don't worry you won't loose me to the dark side completely...