View Full Version: 1985 maxim x

Xjowners > Tech Talk > 1985 maxim x

Title: 1985 maxim x

glen1027 - March 12, 2005 06:01 PM (GMT)
Hey just new to the formum. I have a 1985 maxim x and i have a weard rattle in the bottem of my crank case if i let the cluch out slowly and low rpm. The loacal bike shop sayed dont wory about it. Has anyone heard this befor?


Still - March 13, 2005 03:48 AM (GMT)
Hi Glen: I've got an 85 Maxim X and so does my freind. They both make that sound, and both my friend and I have been told it is nothing to worry about (starter clutch and chain). Great bike Huh?

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