I have just purchased a 1981 650 Maxim, but it was lacking an owners manual. I called a dealership, and they say the owners manual is no longer in print. I was wondering if anybody would have a good idea as to where I might be able to find one of these, or if the aftermarket repair manuals cover the same information. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Because it is out of print it is now showing up electronically.
I think it is on the XJ CD...
Otherwise - Here is a website that should help you find manuals - not free though:
The cd is a pretty good source of info but if ya just can't wait( I get impatient too) here's a link to the factory service manual for the xj650g. The first half is for the xj650lj turbo, the regular xj650 manual is in the second half of the file. Oh yea it is like 80 mb so it might take a while to download if ya don't have a fast connection. Hope this helps!
Click here to open the manual
Thanks for all of the help guys. The man I bought the bike from actually found the owners manual, so I got it 2 days ago. But again thanks for the help.