Title: Charging system: how to remove rotor
Scotimier - October 14, 2005 01:44 AM (GMT)
I have an 85 xj700 liquid cooled Maxim X, Been having charging problems since I bought it 4 years ago. Replaced voltage regulator, fixed it for a while, died again so I replace regulator again but didn't fix the problem. I finally broke down and took it to my favorite Yamaha dealer, they're diagnosis needs a stator and rotor, but since yamaha doesn't make the parts anymore, and couldn't find them, they wouldn't touch it, because they can't guarantee the work. 2 years go by, aftermarket companies finally start making the stator for my bike, but not the rotor. I install new stator, still not charging. I purchase a used rotor that is "tested and guaranteed to work" but can't get the old one off, Yamaha says there's a specialty tool for this, but they can't get it, even if they could get it for me it'd be so expensive i wouldn't want to buy it. as near as I can guess the "specialty tool" is a 15mm course thread bolt that pulls the rotor off when installed into the rotor or I could be wrong. I know some older hondas used the rear axle bolt for this purpose. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
winterhawk - October 15, 2005 05:15 PM (GMT)
Not sure if I would trust this dealer with my bikes. Yes a tool is made. K+L or Motion Pro makes them and are cheap. I find it hard to believe that the stator and rotor are bad. Do you have a multi meter and know how to use it? If you do I will tell you how to inspect them yourself to find out what is wrong. It could be something else besides those items.
Yamaha: Most 4-stroke street models & 250/350 electric start 2-stroke twins, FZ600, FZR600/750/1000, TT225, XJ550/650/700/ 750/900, FJ600/750/1000
(Thread: 16mm x 1.5 R.H.) Part Number: 08-0027 Sug. Retail: $10.70
MotionPro Link
chevy45412001 - October 15, 2005 08:48 PM (GMT)
i would check the brushes before i tore into stators and such.
Scotimier - October 16, 2005 11:49 AM (GMT)
Thanks for the link, yeah I suspect there is another problem here as well, but I trashed the old rotor trying to get it off with a harmonic balancer puller. This all started because the previous owner had done some "rewiring" and didn't have a clue what he was doing. I have since found a good yamaha dealer about 40 miles from me who is helpful. Most of the dealers near me only want to sell new bikes, they don't care to help you dig thru parts books and find parts for an old bike. I have a multimeter, but have never used it other than to check voltage levels. Yamaha still has the original wiring harness for the bike for $175, debating that it might be worth it to start from scratch, I love this bike it has everything I like, shaft drive, liquid cooled, low center of gravity for a cruiser. I had all body panels repainted and jewelers rouge polished all the aluminum so it shines like chrome.
winterhawk - October 16, 2005 02:55 PM (GMT)
Maxim electrical helpMaxim electrical help 2These links should fix you right up. The problem with dealers is nobody knows older bikes but the old school mechanics. B)
If you want a newer wiring harness just get one off of e-Bay for $20.00
Scotimier - October 30, 2005 01:04 AM (GMT)
Thanks for the link for the puller, I'm pleased to announce my bike is once again running, and even happier to say its actually charging perfectly. Now to get it tuned up and idling smoothly. I'm afraid that it appears my carbs are gummed up. I knew better than to leave gas in the tank while it sat, but my frustration level with the bike, lack of parts, lack of tools, and lack of assistance from yamaha and several local dealerships made me not even want to look at it for over a year. I'm hoping that I'll have it ready for next spring. So, anyone have any advice on the carb issue, I can idle it with the choke on for as long as I want, but if I try to rev the engine, it just sputters and almost backfires, throws some smoke, and if I kill the choke, it just wants to die. :unsure:
winterhawk - October 31, 2005 03:32 PM (GMT)
All you need to do is disassemble the Carbs, remove ALL the jets and clean them out. Use OEM pilot jets only as K+L are sized to large sometimes.