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Title: Intake mods
Description: Airbox

Gideon - October 16, 2005 03:52 PM (GMT)
In dismantling the carbs on my '83 XJ750 I also removed the horrible stock airbox. I'd like to put something else in there in its place. Now, I had the K&N pods on my XS850 for a while and honestly I didn't like or trust them. Does anyone make an aftermarket airbox that will work on this thing? Does anyone have any other advice short of rejetting and running the carbs sans air filters like GP carbs (not that it would work probably)

JBCahill - October 17, 2005 06:09 PM (GMT)
There are a number of discussions of this issue here, but opinions seem to vary. Most of what I've read suggested pod filters and re-jetting the carbs will give you a better designed intake, as well as more mid-range power.

My own airbox is still stock on my 81 xj750, but I've been considering some other setup in order to get rid of the carb boots, which are hard to replace.

Could you elaborate on what it is you don't like about the K&N filters, since that's the alternative most people seem to prefer. Also, when using them, did you re-jet the carbs as suggested, or go without?

Gideon - October 18, 2005 01:24 AM (GMT)
I tried a few different jettings and I never really got them dialed in on the triple. Also, there's something I just don't trust about the reusable air filters. I don't know why, I know they're supposed to work and people swear by them. I also really don't like the way they look.

JBCahill - October 18, 2005 04:17 PM (GMT)
I can understand not liking the appearance - I'd prefer to keep my own bike as stock-looking as possible. It also makes sense to worry about recycling the filter over and over again - at some point the filtration must break down, but how/when would you know, and would that be too late?

I've been reluctant to try the switch to pods and am staying stock for the time being. Unless I have no luck finding replacement boots, I'll likely keep it this way. Even without the other concerns, re-jetting the carbs sounds like wandering into no mans land and hoping you find your way out.

Thanks a lot for the tips/feedback.

CTSommers - October 19, 2005 05:24 AM (GMT)
A little of topic but one of the reasons I use K&N Stock Air Box Filter is that they last twice as long. I will keep the K&N Filter in for longer than the stock filter but not forever. Which make sense since you can buy K&N filters for the xj750 for $30.95 from part Number YA-1650 and a stock one will run you some where from 15 to 20 bucks.

winterhawk - October 19, 2005 05:40 AM (GMT)
I use K&N Stock Air Box Filter

Best way to go for sure.

chevy45412001 - October 20, 2005 01:00 AM (GMT)
i have the xj1100. I lost tyhe stock box years ago. Re jetting will be in order if you open up the intake side of things. (your now sucking air by the gallon as oposed to the cup) so you will have to put in more fuel to get back to running proper. I personally like the race look of 4 individual filters. It also makes dropping the carbs an easy task. I can rejett in under 20min. now. I've been playing with jetts for awhile. But i drag race the beast on occasion. Stock jetts were 112.0's now running 137.5's. Went from 13.8 sec. 1/4 mile times to 13.10's at 103 mph. So i lost 7 tenths of a sec. and gained 4 mph with jetts only change. Don't know if any of this garble makes sence but i tried :unsure:

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