Title: XJ650 electrical problem
Description: xj650
jcmagla - March 17, 2005 11:35 PM (GMT)
I was just given a 1982 xj650 by my friend who I helped move. It sat in a garage for about 6 years, so I just put a battery in but no response.The 4 fuses under the seat are OK, and with the ignition on I get 12V at the main and 11.6V at the other 3 fuses, but no lights or horn or anything. Any suggestions? He said it was running when he stored it. thanks,
eatatjoz - March 18, 2005 02:02 AM (GMT)
Seca? Maxim?,
My 750 seca had a fuse behind the light that caused me some trouble, but my first guess would be to check your ground wire (I'm assuming that you used the battery ground when you checked the fuses?)
chevy45412001 - March 18, 2005 06:34 AM (GMT)
you might also want to plug unplug the connectors you see could have got corrodid sitting for so long?The motor turns freely too?
jcmagla - March 19, 2005 01:02 AM (GMT)
It is a Maxim and I sanded the battery connections and ground wire. I just noticed the taillight and license plate light work, but that is it. It is missing the button where the starter button is on the right handlebar, maybe a short?
chevy45412001 - March 19, 2005 06:55 AM (GMT)
if you haven't already check those fuses with an actual test light. I had electrical gremlin for a few days because the fuses LOOKED good,when actualy the wire was broke in the end of the glass where you could not see it. Just a thought. :unsure:
richard_morden - March 20, 2005 01:42 AM (GMT)
I have 81 Maxim 650, headlight will not come on until engine starts. And my horn button quit working over winter and sometimes I have to tap on control before the starter button works.
Does your engine start?
eatatjoz - March 20, 2005 03:49 AM (GMT)
It is missing the button where the starter button is on the right handlebar, maybe a short? |
Most if not all jap bikes use a ground as a start, including your Maxim, meaning that the silenoid always has a positive connection, and the start switch just connects the ground wire to the frame. A short there would not cause you any real problems. It would cause a closed connection, by connecting to ground (always trying to start) , or a open connection from corrosion, that would not get any connection. In the open connection situation, all accessories should work, but it would not turn the starter over because the silenoid never got a ground.
You may want to check that run/off switch as a false hope, but I reccomend what Chevy454 said.... check those fuses. Use a good quality multimeter or a test light on the wires, NOT THE FUSES, you may find some corrosion on those fuse holders. Also, like Richard said, the headlight will not come on until the engine starts, or the rectifier gets a false hope by recieving enough RPMs to think that the engine has started.
good luck, electrical gremlins are a bitch to find...
jcmagla - March 20, 2005 11:03 PM (GMT)
Update: You guys were right on the fuse connections, they must have been corroded as I wasn't getting current through the fuses, which were good. Unfortunately I broke the fuseholder when I was sanding it so I need to find one now. I also stuck a screwdriver in the starter button and the engine turned over and I'm getting spark! Now it's time to clean those carbs (the choke and throttle cables don't move) and see if it will run. Good to know about the headlight being on with the engine, thanks.
chevy45412001 - March 21, 2005 12:45 AM (GMT)
glad to hear that . Now for the fuse replacement.Many on the xs-xj site replace the entire fuse holder with the newer style blade fuses. much more durable in the long run. fuse blocks can be found at any if not all auto parts stores,from napa to the zone,j.c. whitney also carrys different versions. just a thought,could save time and money in the long haul. :)