Those some sweet rides Mr. Fitz! Well done.
I'm not going to mess with it too much. I've got the other bikes for that. Right now I am just interested in getting it running. No performance...
This was a joke. (please note laughing smilie face) Simply meaning most everything I have is highly modified. Except this Yamaha. I've only jus...
Unmodified? What's that mean? :lol:
Don't get me wrong. I fully understand and agree with this. It's just that I couldn't really find a thread where someone has gone and done...
Excellent! Thanks Cutlass. Btw, had a couple of those myself. A '73 Supreme 2 dr and a '78 Supreme pro street. Those were the days. Thanks again!
Working on an '81 XJ550 Maxim. Shaft seals were not included in the gypo delight rebuild kits that I bought. I am having the same problems as...