What part of the sticks in OK? I'm in the OK sticks too and your shop doesn't look much different than mine. Lol!
Definitely this too!!
This idea has crossed my mind a few times. If they are seperate carbs you'll need to build a rack or something so the throttles operate...
Cool. I'm tempted to put the entire top end of the 750 onto my 650 bottom. I'm not real concerned with performance increases, there's an...
Would love to see an answer to this as I have considered the same things with my '82 daily rider. I've got 650 and 750 Maxim parts bikes with good...
Those forwards are kickass!! Great job on the whole thing.
Mine got named "Katrina" at a rally a few years back. Wife started calling it that 'cuz it left a trail of destruction. My Sporty is named...
Will any of the internals interchange between a 650 and 750? Mainly I'd like to know about the cylinder heads but anything else could be useful....
Will the cylinder heads interchange between an 82 xj750 and an 82 xj650?
I tried the 14.5" shocks from my '74 IH on my '82 Maxim, they didn't work. Something was binding and wouldn't allow the swing arm to pivot low...
I love my '82 XJ and I love my '74 XL. When they are both running well at the same time, very rare, it's a hard choice on which one to ride....
Great job! I just finished my first attempt at a solo seat for another project. Not as easy as some make it look but not too difficult either. I...
I forgot that I used soda in mine. That worked pretty good.