yeah I was thinking that was a possible deduction. I am curious on troubles and operations that are associated with the vacuum operation of the...
So, If your bike runs great on "prime", but chokes and is super-lean on "on" it probably means that the intake mainfold "boot" between the carb...
Re: BaldWonder's 1982 XJ650 Maxim J - Bobber/Chop Also, I see this was on your list - I just purchased it, fits perfectly...
Re: BaldWonder's 1982 XJ650 Maxim J - Bobber/Chop Any new Final Fantasies coming out for PS4? What paint/coating did you end up using after...
My break lines say toyota on them...what's up with that? I don't see any date indicators like shown here. Pics? I can post some after work....
Pictures aren't exactly good at showcasing a maintenance checklist, but thanks for the mechanical critique I guess. The only "REAL work"...
Finally warm enough to start working on Dullahan again! I was pretty just to see if I can get it running again lol. Mounting the engine:...
Thanks for the info and broaching this topic, I have been putting this research off for quite some time haha...
aaaaah, gotcha! It's great. Also, just came across today while I was at work and read a few threads. What a bunch of buttholes.
Thank you! I've read through your build probably three times - it is wonderful. I will definitely be referencing back when it comes time to work...
coarse wire circular attachment > fine wire circular > "dremel" (cheap version lol) random tips for hard to reach areas I didn't use any...
Good winter project! If you live in Michigan, I fear you would run out of project real fast during the 5 month winter (even though they're much...
Actually, I think I saw you mention removing it somewhere in one of your posts. I saw someone else say that they got it out without taking it off...
Yeah, I really like the polished look...I am going gloss black for most of it, but I will probably leave some polished pieces. It does feel good...
Been doing some tear-down. Took the bike in the basement for some winter work. A lot of ideas dancing around in my head for some uniqueness....