Sold my maxim, and this is the only thing I have left. The yellow rear fender in good condition. Leaving for maine in a few days and just...
any offers perhaps?? Just tryin to sell it.
Yeap this my 85 maxim. Not the best condition but it looks cool and runs nice. Orlando Fl. Lookin for a real quick sale so I can go buy... refer here before you buy. Rickomatic is in my mind the most knowlagable guy about these...
Ah... you know I deal with air velocities all the time on the jetskis however I never thought about that on the bike. Didnt think of the carb...
I can hardly see that the gain be minimal when considering the rubber boot in the air box limits the flow not only because its Under the seat, but...
Ive done it many many times... technique is not so much the problem as is the fact that hte boots dont have much of their elastisity as they used...
And its a what I believe an 85 maxim midnight... may be just a plain maxim though. xj700, I have mikunis not keihens From what I understand...
So Im selling my maxim to my roommate who needs it more than I do. However he wants me to get it running again first. While ive been away its...
yeau. It was the original, and petrified pretty bad.
Anybody got one? Im kinda in dire need for one right now. Ordered one on ebay but it turned out to be a totally different one. This is...