The fuel petcock is tricky sometimes. It looks good but it leaks. It's always seems to be around the diaphragm. It either doesn't seal well when...
That's how sober people get killed here. The only judgement impaired was the rider not thinking the SUV was going to pull out in front of him....
Never done it. I say don't from everything I have read unless there appears to be a problem with the way the bike is running now.
Paint them a different color? Go high-end on the paint. $1.50(That's a joke if nobody caught it). I was referring to the replacement caps...
To get back on the looks better than rusty caps. I am one of the cheap ones. I would paint them. Word!
Great job! What did the inside look like?
Boots not fitting snuggly will affect the start. It will have a hard time drawing or pushing the fuel into the enigine. If there is a leak it...
Have you tried starter fluid on it yet? If it doesn't fire up with the fluid its your ignition. If it fires up but doesn't stay running its...
Wow. I had much bigger dents in mine from my handle bars(plowed thru a corn field). I just filled it in and painted over it. Thats some...
Yeah! What he said.
Don't ride on gravel too often. If I do, its not fast. Never got hit in the lower body by a June bug, but caught several in the chest, neck, and...
Whatever I have on at the time. Summer and spring time shorts and short sleeve, and flipflops. Winter and fall jeans, short or long sleeve,...
Is the Seca as sensitive as the X?