Well my take on it, setting aside the loud noise is unless you really plan to work on your bike to make it run decent with the straight pipes dont...
You cant predict exactly whats gonna happen. When your dealing with 20+ year old bikes they all develop their own personality's and it really...
I'm a super big fan of the dual headlights you got there! Not such a big fan of the digital speedometers but they look great on the bike.
Zombie I really like the way that supertrapp looks on that bike. As for the original question, If your not afraid to cut and weld you can make...
You need resistance, The original bulbs on the bike have more resistance then your leds and the blinkers need resistance to work. You need to add...
Yea towing the bike sounds like a bad idea. It really sounds like you got an electrical problem. Also the 1/4 can of seamfoam every tank might...
I have one that I would sell, Its a little beat up on the top (Just needs some duct tape or some re fabrication) and one of the screws is missing...
Make sure the vacuum tube is not dirty or plugged and correctly attached to the petcock. If it is then I would suggest making sure that the...
Chances are you dont got enough resistance, I'm not 100% sure how they work but I know that the electrical system uses the light bulbs own...
Now sense I do have exhausts on my bike I would like to add a little bit more. 1-The bike starts easier, warms up easier and idles better...
+ one on the hillbilly mod! I love seeing these kinds of things :)
I spos if your into sewing or really want to save yourself the 35 bucks you could make your own :)
http://xjbikes.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=14577.html Read through this. unless you got mix & match parts & engine is should be pretty simple. If...
Check out http://xjbikes.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=14577.html To find out more about the serial number (This includes model number). You can find...
Wow I must be lucky as far as insurance. I'm 18, not accidents or claims or anything but still I'm 18 and I'm paying $27.88 a month for my 650....