This bike starts and rides every time. Fair condition. ~16,000 miles Never crashed. Clean title, in hand Tank is maroom with blue flames....
lots of interest, no commitments yet. $1500 if its gone by the end of Friday.
Need to sell this to get the new bike. Someone make an offer!
buy my carbs and I'll throw in a running 83 750. :D
Just got some pics taken when I got home from work.
Will deliver/meet within ~100 miles of 46307
i will get up some more pics after work tonight. Willing to negotiate for a quick sale.
Almost forgot the bad: -left turn signal only comes on solid, does not blink -couple of nicks in the RH engine guard/tail pipe where P.O....
1983 Yamaha xj750 Maxim ~28,000 miles maroon tank pics here: Carbs were cleaned and...
hahahahahaha, like people in cars pay attention to you (or me or anyone on bikes in general). ahahahahahah wishful thinking.
you mean the engine in my maxim is actually Steven Seagal?
12 flashes isn't enough? What are you signalinG? That you are doing doughnuts in the wal-mart parking lot? Why in gods name would you need more...
crackcase pressure - the reason the breather is there - is typically cuased by blowby past the rings. Normal until you get to much of it.