I've got the girl in the garage right now as I just got the proper jets in the mail the other day and will have to do those this winter. (*fear...
*chuckle* The 20th is my wife and I's. Worse yet I found out that a friend of mine might be stopping by the weekend of the 24th. :-/ I...
The 24th would be best for me as I'm already scheduled to work on the 17th as it turns out.
I will be available around that time as well (either the 17th or the 23rd) but I can only do so much on mine because I _still_ haven't replaced...
If you read the notes he said that the bike he used was a parts bike and complete but not assembled. I think the picture he has there is of...
I've been thinking about an electric shaft-driven bike as a future project. It's cool that someone did it but I'd have liked to have been first....
Yes and no. The response time for LEDs is much faster and can help quite a bit in an emergency situation so you gain that much. But yes if you...
We're talking the starter chain not the main drive.
Physical shape/size of the turn signals _does_ _not_ _matter_. Period. What matters is only if you have an electronic or a mechanical flasher....
I'll not disagree with any of this. I only wish I had the cash to do the jets now so I can get the majority of it all done at once and...
Hmm...$79+shipping. Cool. End of the week then. That means provided I've got everything I'll likely work on her next week some time. It's...
Thanks for the info! A couple more pesky questions though: Am I going to have to take the motor out of the frame? Am going to be messing...